On Thursday, April 9th, 2015, Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Marshals with the US Marshals Service Violent Fugitive Task Force, the Division of Adult Correction Officers (Probation and Parole) and Detectives with the Washington Police Department took part in Operation Predator Sweep.  The goal of the operation was to make sure all 99 registered sex offenders currently residing in Beaufort County were in compliance with the provisions of their registration.  Teams that included members from each of the aforementioned agencies went to the residence of each sex offender.

The results of the operation are as follows:

  • Teams checked on 99 offenders.
  • Teams made personal contact with 63 offenders.
  • Deputies will conduct follow-up visits for 36 offenders who were not physically home at the time of the visit. Letters were left at residences or with family members notifying them of the compliance check.
  • 2 arrests were made for offenses not related to sex offender registration. One was for a warrant for distributing controlled substances. The other was an on-view arrest for possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and communicating threats.
  • 3 firearms were seized and an investigation is pending in reference to the firearms.

Sheriff Ernie Coleman stated, “This operation is an example of how local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies can work together to achieve a goal.  U.S. Marshals, Probation and Parole Officers, Deputies with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office and Officers with the Washington Police Department made this operation successful.  Operation Predator Sweep is in addition to the regular program that is in place where Deputies with the Sheriff’s Office and Officers with the Washington Police Department make regular but unscheduled checks on registered sex offenders.  All citizens of Beaufort County need to know how seriously we take our responsibilities.  We work hard every day to make Beaufort County a safe place to live, work and raise our children.”

Scott J. Parker, United States Marshal for the Eastern District of North Carolina, stated, “Operation Predator Sweep issued a strong message to violent criminals and sex offenders in Beaufort County.  All offenders violating the sex offender registration laws or trying to avoid prosecution will be brought to justice.  The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, Washington Police Department, Department of Public Safety and U.S. Marshals Service will work as one agency, and with one mission:  to protect the citizens of Beaufort County.”

Johnny Hawkins, Director of Security Services for the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice stated, “We appreciate the efforts of the U.S. Marshals Service, Washington Police (Department) and the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office in holding sex offenders accountable to the terms of their supervision.  A coordinated effort from state, local and federal authorities sends a strong message to offenders that non-compliance will not be tolerated.”